Obtaining a loan can be difficult for small businesses. Whether you are launching a new initiative, expanding your company, or require a snapshot of your small business’s potential borrowing capacity, we will work closely with you to deliver innovative lending solutions to help you reach your business goals.
Borrowing funds is just one of the ways small businesses can generate capital, and indeed it is a common practice. Deciding that your business needs a loan is only the first step. There are a number of things to consider: how much do you need to borrow; what type of loan will you need; how long will you need it for; can the business afford to repay the loan, interest and any one-off or ongoing fees that come with the loan; what security can you offer the lender and how this affects the interest rate offered.
We may be able to suggest alternative means of raising capital that may work better for your business, or help you identify the most appropriate loan products, as well as keeping your operating finances in good health.