We are passionate and focused on preserving your hard earned capital, while at the same time delivering long term return objectives that enable you to achieve your financial and personal goals.

The aim of our investment committee is to construct robust model portfolios that will perform consistently, deliver superior risk adjusted returns in most market conditions and will be competitive relative to benchmarks over the long term. 

As part of the portfolio construction process, portfolio modelling is carried out by testing many combinations of asset classes and investments based on historical returns, risk characteristics and performance correlations to identify a blend of investments which are expected to deliver an optimal return for a given level of investment risk.

Our Investment Committee Team

Daniel Rolley

Chief Investment Officer

Daniel is the Chief Investment Officer of Financial Decisions and the Chairman of the Investment Committee. Daniel has over 17 years investment experience, covering local and international financial markets. Daniel is responsible for setting investment strategy, portfolio design, asset allocation and investment selection for portfolios.


Daniel is the Chairman and a Voting member of the Investment Committee.


Marc Lerner

Investment Analyst

Marc is the Investment Analyst at Financial Decisions. He has over 8 years investment experience, covering principally international and Australian equities as well as other asset classes. Marc is responsible for investment research and analysis for portfolios.  


Marc is a Voting member of the Investment Committee.


Tim Brosnan

Financial Adviser

Tim is a senior financial adviser with over 15 years of international and local investment experience. He is heavily involved in the overall asset allocation strategy. Tim’s commitment to ethics combined with his strong technical knowledge often sees him play devil’s advocate. This is a very important role to allow for an open, balanced and robust debate surrounding the investment process.


Tim is a Voting member of the Investment Committee.



Edward Revis

Financial Adviser

Edward has been managing client investment portfolios for many years across all risk profiles and market environments.  He believes in long term investing and diversification to reduce volatility and investment specific risk in the portfolio and with due consideration to cost and the tax effectiveness of the investments (where applicable).  Edward is passionate about investing but never forgets the importance of both protecting and growing the funds entrusted to Financial Decisions.


Edward is a Voting member of the Investment Committee


Damien Cooper

Chief Executive Officer

As CEO of Financial Decisions, Damien brings a wealth of insight into how clients perceive portfolio construction and management. This continual focus on client service and engagement gives the committee a more holistic view into how the portfolio can be refined so that it is not just about the investment choices but also about how much comfort is provided to clients when we apply our common sense approach to portfolio construction.


Damien oversees the Investment Committee and is a Non-voting member.


Albert Lee

External Consultant

Albert’s knowledge and deep understanding of the market is second-to-none. He has been in the financial services industry for over 20 years and has always been passionate about how the behavioural aspect of humans can help us become better investors. His comprehensive knowledge extends to different market relationships as well as domestic and international equities, foreign exchange, bonds and option strategies.


Albert is a Non-voting member of the Investment Committee

Please contact our investment specialists to find out more about our investment options.